Physics Nobel to A. Zeilinger : the collaboration with Padua University for the study of quanta

We are happy to congratulate Professor Anton Zeilinger for winning the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022. The University of Padua has a solid collaboration with him, which has led to significant results, including publication on the publication prestigious "New Journal of Physics" of the study Experimental verification of the feasibility of a quantum channel between space and Earth1.
«The quite ambitious goal was to demonstrate the exchange of single quanta of light from a satellite to the ground - explains Prof. Paolo Villoresi, director of  PaduaQTech and coordinator of the project -. The project set itself a goal that had no experimental precedents: to use space as a channel for quantum communications."
It was precisely the coordinator Paolo Villoresi who went to Vienna in 2003 to ask to Professor Zeilinger for collaboration regarding single-photon detectors. He very gladly accepted, indicating a team of collaborators to participate in the project.

The project demonstrated the first quantum exchange in space and was published in 2008, becoming the first achievement in the field. Other collaborative works followed in the sector, which has now been awarded the highest scientific recognition.


the research group at Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (ASI) - 2004

The research group at Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (ASI) - 2004. From left to right: Paolo Villoresi (U. of Padua), Cesare Barbieri (U. of Padua), Anton Zeilinger (U. of Vienna), Fabrizio Tamburini (U. of Padua), Claudio Pernechele (INAF-Padua), a MLRO technician, Thomas Jennewein (U. of Vienna) and Marcus Aspelmayer (U. of Vienna)

1 P. Villoresi, T Jennewein, F Tamburini, M Aspelmeyer, C Bonato, R Ursin, C Pernechele, V Luceri, G Bianco, A Zeilinger and C Barbieri, “Experimental verification of the feasibility of a quantum channel between space and Earth”, New Journal of Physics, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 033038, Mar. 2008.